Inner Fire School

The goal of the Inner Fire School is to preserve the ancient wisdom and knowledge of Tantrayana by sharing it. In our online school, we aim to support you by offering methods, techniques and teachings from Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche that connect you to your innate happiness and contribute to a healthier life.

Our Courses


Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche

Tulku Lobsang is a high Buddhist master and teacher. Born in the Tibetan province of Amdo, he has practiced the ancient methods of Tantric Buddhism since an early age. Rinpoche, who was recognized as the 8th reincarnation of the Nyentse Lama at the age of 13, received extensive training in various monasteries, where he not only deepened his knowledge of the sutras and in medicine and astrology, but was also taught privately by highly respected scholars. Tulku-la received tantra teachings, empowerments and initiations in all eight practice lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. To this day, Rinpoche practices all of these eight lineages.

For over twenty years, Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche has been teaching the powerful methods of Tibetan Buddhism and Tantrayana - at first still in India, now on his travels through many countries and also online. His goal is always one: to reduce suffering in the world by helping us to find our deep, innate happiness, our true nature. Also thanks to his long experience with the lifestyles of us Westerners, Rinpoche is an incredibly experienced, wise and compassionate teacher.

30+ years of personal Tantrayana practice

years teaching experience 

retreats and courses led

books published

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche presents Tummo on National Geographic

In 2017, Rinpoche appeared on National Geographic's TV program "The Story of God with Morgan Freeman." In the episode "Is God Inside Us?", Tulku Lobsang introduced Tummo - an ancient practice of Tantrayana Buddhism - and spoke about its power to connect us to the divine within ourselves, to the Buddha nature innate to all of us.
Here you can view the trailer:

Voices of Participants

“As a Medical Doctor with a busy schedule, I continue to be inspired by Tulku Lobsang’s teachings. They have had a profoundly positive effect on all areas of my life. I am healthier, happier and more energetic than I was 10 years ago. The movement, breathing and meditation practices are so efficient and empowering that I am able to do daily practice around my shifts.”

Deniah, United Kingdom
“As a Medical Doctor with a busy schedule, I continue to be inspired by Tulku Lobsang’s teachings. They have had a profoundly positive effect on all areas of my life. I am healthier, happier and more energetic than I was 10 years ago. The movement, breathing and meditation practices are so efficient and empowering that I am able to do daily practice around my shifts.”

Deniah, United Kingdom
"The internal changes I have been experiencing through Rinpoche´s teachings and practicing are beyond my expression. I feel more open, relaxed, calm and content in general and also less affected by the external conditions. I go out of balance but it is much easier to return to internal harmony within short time. I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards Rinpoche´s precious teachings."
"The internal changes I have been experiencing through Rinpoche´s teachings and practicing are beyond my expression. I feel more open, relaxed, calm and content in general and also less affected by the external conditions. I go out of balance but it is much easier to return to internal harmony within short time. I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards Rinpoche´s precious teachings."

Yuki, Spain

Yuki, Spain
“After having practiced Rinpoche’s precious methods for a while, I can recognize a change in my life. I can see that I am not longer so hard and judging toward myself and others. It is easier to forgive myself and others and I also feel more general satisfaction. I slowly recognize the wisdom, kindness and compassion also in myself.”

Lisa, Norway
“After having practiced Rinpoche’s precious methods for a while, I can recognize a change in my life. I can see that I am not longer so hard and judging toward myself and others. It is easier to forgive myself and others and I also feel more general satisfaction. I slowly recognize the wisdom, kindness and compassion also in myself.”

Lisa, Norway



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